I had my eyes on this skirt for a long time. I just love the cut and how freaking velvety it is. I absolutely love velvet now, but I didn’t when I was younger, because it gave me goosebumps and when I touched it, my body went for a round of an electric shock. You know that feeling when your senses just can’t handle random stuff like hearing somebody’s nails going down the board? (Okay, that wasn’t that random). Oh my Goodness that thought just made my hair go up to the ceiling. (Why am I doing this to myself??) So for as long as I can remember, I had that hateful poisoned relationship with velvet, but I overcome that feeling last year, when I accidentally touched one top which was made out of velvet in H&M store. So now we are practicaly best friends, but I still have some work to do about my bitter feelings towards wadding, so I’ll keep you posted on that one!
So this is me, feeling all kinds of love towards my velvet skirt, I’m for now healed. ❤
I’m wearing:
Skirt and Turtleneck: New Yorker
Beutiful glasses are from: H&M
Case is from my blogger friend Klara
and she got it in ZARA (that rhymed ?)
Thank you Ajda for photos! ?
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