I have an extraordinary blog post for you today. Well, at least it’s for me. I decided to create seven different photo series that are unique but still very connected to each other. I decided to do seven series in 2 days. I have to be honest with you; I almost lost it in the middle of it because I realized it was just too much for me to handle. There was a thousand degrees outside, and we had to watch out there were no people in some of the location like for example the bridge, I also had to watch out for the light for every single series, but in the end, it was so freaking worth it. There were even people stopping by and taking photos of us, which was super cute.
I was planning this photo shoot for about five months, and every time I thought of a person standing in front of my camera, I instantly thought of Sara! Let me explain why! She is one the most professional people I know, literally the most! She has a tremendous acting gift that she portrays in every single photo; she listens which is the most important thing, and she already knows exactly what I want since we’re practically from the same star. I always tell her how she has the hardest job to do as a model because of her hair… Why? Well, it’s shaved off! Girls are more like to play with their hair while posing for a photo, but she doesn’t have them. She can’t hide behind her hair; it’s only her pure face and emotions she brings and serves every single time I get to work with her!❤
So, here they are, seven series and one photo per each one. If you want more, check out my portfolio right HERE ?
And to you Sara, my dear thank you from the bottom of my heart ❤
1. The sky behind her
2. The bridge
3. Living on as Goddess
4. Under the water
5. Sand kissed
6. The shadow cast
7. Purity
What a beautiful set of pictures, my favorite one is “the shadow cast”, it’s very elegant and impactful 🙂
Thank you so much, Madeline means a lot! ❤