No New Year’s Resolutions

Previously on Anastasija (Redhead with style) Blog:

Finished my exams in February

Said goodbye to my student life (kind of)

Met and photographed my best friend Sara (we still write each other Facebook letters)

Bought myself new camera

Bought myself the most impressive lens ever!

Worked with modeling agency

 Worked with several brands

Learned how to approximately do my makeup (that’s still something)

Celebrated a year of my blog

Met several of bloggers (Was definitely awkward in some of the events, it still is for me; life of an introvert)

Got my heart broken

Healed my heart with poetry and lots of love

Learned how NOT to be so damn resentful (because I am, I’m so damn resentful)

Went to Budapest with Žiga and we ate like crazy

Planned out trip to Scotland next year in May (I will most likely cry all the time)


The biggest fear still remains; being a nobody, having an ugly heart.

What I’m still doing and will forever do: Be kind, falling in love with my boyfriend every time I see him, be eternally grateful for this life.


I got my sparkly dress on (well, not now, right now I’m in my pajamas, I mean on photos below), I got my boots on, my makeup is surprisingly well done, but none of that really matters! In the past few months, I learned that material things don’t mean anything. I knew that even before but when life serves you not only lemons but a big knock out, you truly start to think about what’s important. For me that’s LOVE; I seriously love, love. I know that sounds weird but loving a person or your life so deep that it hurts is a blessing, well it’s also a curse, but mostly it’s a blessing! To feel and experience things on another level is just insane! Then we have SELG-GROWTH which for me is one of the most important things in life. Don’t fall asleep! Read, travel, try something new, and don’t be afraid, I’m still learning how to be braver in life, but I feel like I’m growing. Another thing is TO BE KIND! You should understand that the world doesn’t revolve around you, everybody is going through something in their own life, so be kind PLEASE! Learn how to be more compassionate and emphatic, it seriously isn’t that hard.

And to you my friend Helen Keller one day wrote the perfect quote to celebrate a year that’s coming.

Your success and happiness lies in you. Resolve to keep happy, and your joy and you shall form an invincible host against difficulties.

Dress: H&M

Boots: Boohoo

Earrings: C&A

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