Okay, before you scroll down and see that I’m practically half naked at the beginning of March, let me explain myself. These photos were not shot this weekend, these photos were taken in August, and I somehow forgot to post them? I don’t know what happened, but I had apparently so much stuff to post that I just didn’t see this one in the drafts.
I am super in love with sportswear, I mean ask any girl what she prefers, high heels and skirts or comfortable tights and a sweater, trust me she won’t even blink twice!
Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE skirts, jeans, dresses and high heels but sometimes I need a break and just roll around in my comfy tights.
I love MyProtein because, their stuff is absolutely amazing and don’t get me started on the quality of their products, from food to other supplements, to clothes, everything screams quality!
Get this look: