Hotel Paka is sophisticated coffee and pastry shop like no other. ? Every time I think about this particular coffee shop I instantly think about all of the amazing ice cream, cakes and don’t even get me started on salads. I hope I didn’t lose you with salad thingy. Stick with me for more!
Every week my boyfriend and I go on a date. We go literally once a week, since we’re more on the introverted side and we like to cuddle at home, eat some candy and watch Harry Potter for the hundredth time, I’m not kidding. ?Every time he asks me about where I would like to go on a date, there’s a picture in my head of us, eating a bunch of ice cream in Paka and pretend it goes to all the right places on our body. ?
As you sit down there’s a little voice from behind the bar counter calling you and trust me, it’s not a waiter, it’s ice cream. My absolute favorite flavor is cheesecake, and then we have cookie flavor, then white chocolate with hazelnuts and mango, plus extra dark chocolate, plus there’s also this ice cream which is 100% natural, it tastes like strawberry and banana, and I don’t even like bananas, but somehow I want to eat all of it. ?I won’t go on and on about it because I feel likeI’m making you hungry and I don’t want to be mean. I have to admit; I have a particular ritual when it comes to having a Brunch. Brunch, such a fancy word, I didn’t even know what does it mean until now, shame? Yes! ?First, there’s the kindest staff saying hello and smiling, like literally the kindest. When it comes to food, there’s no need for me to pick up the menu, because I already know what to order and it’s this excellent salad called: Salad with octopus and shrimps in potato pastry, I mean come oooon, right? ?Funny thing with seafood tho’. When I was younger I always said there’s no way in hell I’m going to try that slimy food, but now there’s only one sentence, and that’s BRING IT ON! When I finish the salad, I take the humongous sip of their amazing flavored water, which consists water, (no sh*t Sherlock) and fresh fruit with no added sugar, because we all want to stay fit ?, just kidding. And then, it’s a sugar rush time. Their variety of desserts is pretty much amazing! They also have their baker who prepares desserts with lots and lots of love. From all of the great cakes (there’s one cake I simply can’t get enough of, and it’s called Hotel Paka cake), to cookies, and then there’s my favorite – THE ICE CREAM! ❤But, you can also get a cake and an ice cream on one plate, why choose, am I right?
One day, Žiga and I ate so much of ice cream we almost barfed. ? You know that feeling when you’re feeling too courageous, and you order yourself two scoops of ice cream but you split each one of them in half, and there you are, eating four scoops of ice cream, carefree. After all of those painful brain freezes and pushing your thumb against the roof of your mouth, you ask yourself a serious question:’’ Can you die from so much yummy ice cream?’’ But then you put those irrational thoughts to the back of your head and answer the most rhetorical question, with the most cliché sentence:’’ Eeeee, you only live once!’’?
This time, I brought my two dear friends with me. We ate like crazy, laugh until our stomach hurt, and we listened to the cute random humans passing us by and asking why are we taking photos. Oh, the curiosity! ❤
Hotel Paka is not just a coffee shop for me. It’s a place where I feel like I’m home, where I can eat a salad from which my stomach can benefit, it’s a place where I can taste the most amazing ice cream in the world, and it’s a place, where I can drool all over their gorgeous interior design. ❤
Hotel Paka, sofisticirana kavarna ter slaščičarna ob kateri takoj pomislim na najbolj poln in kremast okus sladoleda, verjemi tudi največjega privrženca ledenk bi ta sladoled zagotovo prepričal, da spremeni svojo zvestobo.?
Vsak teden greva z fantom na tako imenovan ”zmenek”. To se resnično zgodi enkrat tedensko, saj introverta kot sva, vseeno raje posediva doma, jeva sladkarije in že praktično stotič gledava Harry Potterja, resno, brez heca! ?Vedno, ko me vpraša kam bi rada šla na zmenek, je moje srce zvesto Hotel Paki. ”Daj greva v Pako” mu rečem, ”Na sladoled, NUJNO!” On pa se že drži za glavo in sprašuje a spet al kaj? Ja, seveda da spet! ☺️
Takoj, ko se usedeš ti oči igrivo poskakujejo k vsem možnim vrstam sladoleda, P.S. moj najljubši okus je cheesecake, aja pa piškotek, aja in še bela čokolada z lešniki in še mango in še extra dark chocolate in se l’avelutele, no ne bom nadaljevala, ker se bo post končal šele po desetih scrolih, enim zehljajem ter tvojim slinjenjem po tipkovnici. ?Priznam, da imam v Paki svoj ritual kadar gre za tako imenovan brunch (do sedaj nisem vedela, kaj to sploh pomeni). Naprej te pozdravi zelo prijazno osebje, ampak resnično zelooo prijazno! Ko gre za hrano mi ni potrebno gledati v prikupen meni, takoj naročim svojo najljubšo solato in to je – Solata s hobotnico in rakci v krompirjevem testu, sliši se fancy ane? Ker tudi je in to ultra fancy! ?Ne vem kaj je zadnje čase z mano in morskimi sadeži, razvili smo namreč noro dober prijateljski, če ne že ljubezenski odnos. Kot mala sem jih sovražila že samo, ko sem jim zavohala, kaj šele dala v usta in pustila okusu, da se razvije do konca. No sedaj hvala bogu ni več tako, zato je ta solata zame vedno prva izbira. Ko končam s solato naredim gromozanski požirek njihove osvežilne sezonske pijače, ki je skupek vode in svežega sadja, brez dodanega sladkorja NOMZAAA! ?In potem je seveda čas za sladico. Njihova izbira sladic je več kot pestra. Hotel Paka ima namreč svojo slaščičarko, ki skrbno in z ogromno ljubezni pripravlja veličastne sladice. Od božanskih tortic (tortica Hotel Paka je meni osebno fenomenalna), piškotov, do meni najljubšega – sladoleda! Pazi, lahko pa dobiš tortico IN sladoled na enem krožniku, zakaj bi izbiral??❤
Nekoč sva z Žigom pojedla toliko sladoleda, da nama je bilo na koncu pošteno slabo. ? Saj veš, ko si pogumen in se odločiš, da boš pojedel dve kepici in si vzameš eno pol, pol in potem še drugo pol, pol in na koncu pred tabo stoji kozarček s štirimi kepicami sladoleda (s sladoledom pač ne šparajo), zakaj bi pustil želodcu da sploh zadiha h? Po vseh vrstah brain freezov in tiščanju palca na nebo, si na koncu zastaviš resno vprašanje: ”Ali je možno umreti od toliko dobrega sladoleda?” Potem pa zamahneš z roko in sam sebi odgovoriš na retorično vprašanje z največjim klišejem:” Maaah, samo enkrat se živi.” ?
Tokrat sem Hotel Pako obiskala s prijateljicama, se z njima pošteno najedla, nasmejala do solz ter poslušala prikupne mimoidoče, ko so vsake toliko vprašali:” Ej, kaj se pa to slikajo?” ?
Hotel Paka je zame vedno prva izbira, ko želim pojesti solato od katere se dejansko najem, okusiti najboljši sladoled daleč naokoli ter uživati v prečudovitem notranjem dizajnu. ❤
Posebna zahvala gre vsem zaposlenim, ki s svojo prijaznostjo vedno znova poskrbite, da se človek počuti kot doma. ❤
Photo: Nikolina Babić
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