I truly believe everybody went through some rough time in high school and we all survived, but somehow things that were said by some random person, who didn’t even know you, had an impact on your life. When I was in high school, people were calling me all kinds of names like ginger, people were even saying I have no soul, somehow I’ve lost my soul in all of my gingerness I guess! I know, I know it’s just a joke right? I remember some guy calling me this one name in the Serbian language, he’s a Slovenian and he didn’t even understand what that word actually means. I mean, how can you use a word without knowing its meaning??
People tend to use ‘’Not in my back yard’’ method. I can bully anyone I want, as long nobody bullies me! I can do and say harmful things to a person, just as long that same stuff doesn’t happen to me. Usually, the person doing the bullying is afraid of being targeted themselves so they single you out because they see you as an easy target. I will never forget how my friend break down the news for me when she said that a friend of hers said I’m ugly. Can you imagine a person calling somebody UGLY? I don’t even know which one of them is less emphatic, my so-called ‘’friend’’ or that girl who actually used that word. So, why am I ugly? Because I have red hair? Because I have freckles? Because when the sun burns me, I look like a boiled lobster? What is it?? Well, let me break down the news for you my dear and explain why I am far away from ugly, and why redheads are the closest to be a damn unicorn.?
We Have Superpowers
There is one specific gene known as MC1R which is responsible for natural red hair, we’re calling it ‘the ginger gene’. Both parents must be carriers of the mutated MC1R gene to be able to produce redhead offspring, of which there is a 25% chance if they don’t have red hair themselves. Families can carry ‘the ginger gene’ for generations without knowing it. So there could be a little ginger hidden in you too. ?
We Are Rare as Comet
Only 1-2 % of world’s population has naturally red hair. That’s approximately 140 million people. And NO, that doesn’t mean we’re going to extinct!! Can you imagine being a part of that kind of small population? Scotland is still on the top of the list, they have 14% of natural redheads there, Ireland has 10% and on the bottom of the scale, there’s the United States with only 2%.
Redheads DON’T Gray
Aging? Bring it on! Our hair is much more pigmented, so it lasts longer than other hair colors. Red hair firstly fades into copper color, than rosy-blond and then to silver-white. I still remember brushing my nana’s hair and she still had some red beams under her silvery-white hair. ?
Stay Red
Because our hair is so pigmented it’s harder to dye it. You need to have your pigment stripped before you use bleaching which is also harmful to your hair. So don’t do it, stay red! ?
Vitamin D
As we can’t sufficiently absorb Vitamin D, we internally produce our own Vitamin D when we’re exposed to low light conditions. We’re providing for ourselves people! But we tend to get quicker sunburns, so this is why I go from PALE to RED, there’s no shade in between. I hate when people ask me questions like: ”Haven’t you lived by the sea for 5 years? How come you’re not tanned? Well, here’s your answer. ?
Blue Eyes And Red Hair
This combination is the rarest of them all. Most redheads are most likely to have brown eyes, maybe greenish or hazel-ish. ?
Pain Tolerance
It’s also been reported that redheads require more anesthesia and are harder to sedate than other hair colors. We need about 20% more anesthesia to prevent us from waking up mid-surgery. Um, so that’s good to know! ?
We’re Rebellious
Lilith, the supposed first wife of Adam, is said to have had red hair. She was ultimately kicked out of the Garden of Eden because she refused to be subordinate to Adam. We’re rebels, don’t mess with us!
We Are Royals
Queen Elizabeth was a redhead and many people in the Tudor bloodline share the trait. Blue blood honey, blue blood. ?
We Are Sweet as Honey, Well Kind Of!
So several studies have shown that bees are more attracted to red hair. ?Funny story, just about one week ago I went to sleep and I didn’t notice there was a bee in my room, so I went and lay down as usual and in the middle of the night I suddenly felt the most burning pain on my neck. I woke up and I had no idea what was going on, did my vain on a neck pop? Have I been bitten by a gigantic spider? Am I going to die? ?I put some ice on and went to sleep. When I woke up in the morning I saw a bee laying on my ground and that’s when it hit me, I’ve been stung by a bee in the middle of the freaking night. They just won’t leave me alone, even if it’s 3 in the morning.
We Are On Harry Potter Team
I’m a member of Weasley family, well that’s not the true fact, I like to imagine that! ❤
So if you’re a redhead and you’re going through tough time in highs school, just remember, you’re a freaking unicorn!! ? ❤
Photos by my mom ❤
Daw that was such a sweet post, and actually super informative !! I love red hair, definitely wish I was born lucky like you haha your hair is beyond gorgeous. People in school can be really mean, but in the end it doesn’t say anything about you <3
Oh Madeline thank you so much! I’m so happy whenever I see your name in my comments, you’re so sweet! Thank you for your kind words! ❤ ❤
Kok lepa objava! In lepe slikce! Ful je lepo vidt samozavestno punco, ki si je sama sebi všeč 🙂 Žaljivke drugih pa itak povejo več o njih kot o tebi :).
Sem vesela, da ti je všeč Teja! Drugače pa samozavesti vedno pustim prostor za izboljšavo, ker še nisem ravno ”tam” hahaha ☺️☺️ Glede žaljivk se pa strinjam!
You’re beautiful!!
So are you babe ❤❤